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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

week 4 PHI353 Essays (521 words) - Sabbath, Religion, Time

Morgan Baker Professor Wilhite PHI353-DE March 31, 2019 Jewish Synagogue: A Gangster's Daughter I visited the Jewish Synagogue named "Temple Beth EL" right here in riverside. I got the opportunity to attend a lecture series that dealt with Jews and the Law. Marcia Rosen was the guest speaker and she spoke about her book titled "The Gangster's Daughter" and she opened up her message by saying "Our history and experiences can define us, inspire our actions, and as writers impact our words and stories. Mine most definitely has my father was a small-time gangster". She explains that she grew up in an unusual enviroment to some but an everyday reality to her. Gangster is a word that is not commonly used in a church setting however, her story is far from the norm. she spoke about how she visited her dad's gambling hall, a place hidden behind closed doors which could be referred to some as speakeasies so to speak . In her kitchen at home, she would always see her dad counting money and she was always confused as to how he was able to become so affluent without any subtle changes in employment. Although her home life was a lot different from other teenagers, he life in public was altered as well. She shared that when she was out on the town and one of her fathers' associates were present, they always picked up the check. Just as Hollywood tends to glamorize the American gangsters Marcia did so as well since some of, he biggest role models were harden criminals. Not everything taught was about crime or pertained to crime because she did mention how morals had a strong presence and importance because quitting never an option generosity as well as trust were critical to survival. Some people may think generosity is an easy concept while in a crime enviroment because money is seen as a given commodity. G enerosity didn't always have to do with money jobs or favors were sometime more valuable than the motive behind the job. She mentioned her Jewish faith and that played a drastic role in her life. She talked about her religious life and mentioned her prayer life and with my knowledge of Jewish religion I am aware of their trait rules and regulations. Such as prayer which happens three times a day, dietary habits with limitations and several festivals and days of remembrance. I know that Jewish teaching does not fall in line with the doctrine of Christianity. Because there are t wo main reasons, I know that Christianity and Judaism are different by biblical text and the sabbath . Messianic Jews and Christians equally take hold of the entire Hebrew Bible along with the New Testame nt yet , many Messianic Jews choose to live by the first five books of the Bible, called the Torah . In comparisons to Christians, we abide by the entire bible from genesis to revelation. Regarding the Sabbath, Messianic Jewish people have sabbath starting before sunset on Friday evening until Saturday night. In contrast, historically Christians have been having the Sabbath on Sundays .

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Lingo - Definition and Examples

Lingo s An informal term for the special vocabulary of a particular group or field: jargon.Language or speech that is perceived as strange or unintelligible. Plural: lingoes. Etymology: From the Latin lingua   , tongue Examples and Observations Cowboy Lingo The various buildings on the ranch had their various slang names. The main house, or house of the owner, was known as the white house (its usual color, if painted), the Big House, Bulls Mansh, or headquarters. The bunkhouse was equally well known as the dog-house, dice-house, dump, shack, or dive, while the cook-shack, if it was a separate building, was spoken of as the mess-house, grub-house, feed-trough, feed-bag, nose-bag, or swallow-an-git-out trough.   (Ramon Frederick Adams, Cowboy Lingo. Houghton, 2000) Australian Lingoes To speak the lingo is to become a member of a group that shares a sense of itself and expresses that sense in its own language. In the sense of the Great Australian Lingo that group consists of all its speakersmost Australians, in fact. There are also many other lingoes, past and present, that are and have been spoken in Australia by different groups, or speech communities as they are called. . . .What does the term TALK RIVER mean, for example? You almost certainly will not know unless you worked in or were close to the Murray River boat trade. In that speech community, it means to talk about matters relating to the river, its people and its business. Unless you are involved with the welding trade you would be unlikely to know that STICK and TIC refer to different forms of weldingSTICK is with flame heat and TIC with an electric arc. Nor would you know what a KROMER CAP is.​  (Graham Seal, The Lingo: Listening to Australian English. UNSW Press, 1999) Hospital Lingo Like any specialized jargon, the shoptalk used by residents not only conveys facts but provides a running commentary on the absurdities of hospital life...A sampling of current resident-speak follows, drawn from the wards of a busy teaching hospital.Banana bag: an intravenous solution containing a liquid multivitamin that colors the fluid a bright yellow, used in undernourished or alcoholic patients. Doc-in-the-box: an urgent-care walk-in clinic. Hes moonlighting at a doc-in-the-box downtown.Gomer: shorthand for Get out of my emergency room. Any undesirable patient, usually one that is unkempt, demented, combative or any combination of the above...Tail-light sign: when a patient (usually elderly) is dropped off at an emergency room by relatives who drive away before an evaluation is complete, forcing the patient to be admitted to the hospital whether or not his medical condition requires it.Wallet biopsy: checking a patients insurance or financial status before embarking on expensive procedures.  (adapted from Hospital Lingo: Whats a Bed Plug? An L.O.L. in N.A.D. by Sheilendr Khipple. The New York Times, May 13, 2001) The Use of War Lingo by Journalists Back in August, the [Associated Press] issued a memo about how to convey campaign coverage, and it included this passage: war lingo - use criticized instead of attacked, or choose a better verb to describe what the candidate is doing, i.e., challenging, doubting, etc. Also avoidable: launch an assault, take aim, open fire, bombard. AP Deputy Managing Editor for Standards Tom Kent lays out the thinking behind the rules: We’ve long felt it’s a good idea to avoid weapons metaphors when we’re not talking about real weapons. Even beyond evoking memories of violent events, we think frequent use of these terms in non-military situations smacks of overdramatization and hyping, writes Kent via e-mail.  (Erik Wemple, No More Taking Aim,’ ‘Blasting,’ ‘Sniping’! The Washington Post, December 20, 2012) A Parody of Social Science Lingo The lingo used by sociologists and such annoys many reasonable people. Richard D. Fay of M.I.T. is one of them. Last week the Washington Star picked up a letter he had written to the Harvard Alumni Bulletin in which he showed how the Gettysburg Address would sound, lumbered up in that lingo:​ Eight and seven-tenths decades ago, the pioneer workers in this continental area implemented a new group based on an ideology of free boundaries and initial conditions of equality. We are now actively engaged in an overall evaluation of conflicting factors . . . We are met in an area of maximum activity among the conflicting factors . . . to assign permanent positions to the units which have been annihilated in the process of attaining a steady state. This procedure represents standard practice at the administrative level.From a more comprehensive viewpoint, we cannot assignwe cannot integratewe cannot implement this area . . . The courageous units, in being annihilated . . . have integrated it to the point where the application of simple arithmetical operations to include our efforts would produce only negligible effects . . .It is preferable for this group to be integrated with the incompleted implementation . . . that we here resolve at a high ethical level that the deceased shall not have been annihilated without furthering the projectthat this group . . . shall implement a new source of unhampered activityand that political supervision composed of the integrated units, for the integrated units, and by the integrated units shall not perish from . . . this planet. (Lumbering Lingo. Time, August 13, 1951) The Decline of Lunch Counter Lingo [T]he vitality of lunch-counter speechcats eyes for tapioca, baby for a glass of milk, jerk for ice cream soda, and Adam and Eve on a raft for fried eggs on toasthad a raciness about it that many people sought to put an end to in the late 1930s.  (John F. Mariani, The Dictionary of American Food and Drink. Hearst Books, 1994) Pronunciation: LIN-go

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Algoeithm Design, Analysis and Implementation Assignment

Algoeithm Design, Analysis and Implementation - Assignment Example This is done by choosing a comparison element and placing all the elements that are less than the comparison element in the first group and the rest of the elements in the second group. This procedure is repeated recursively until the elements are sorted (a part consist of only one element). T(n) = (n-1) + ?1 ? i ? n ti As 1,2,....k-elements are already sorted, we can say that ti =0, where i = 1,2, 3... k. Then, the contribution of quick sort when early stopping is used can be given by, T(n)=(n+1)( ?k ? i ? n ti + ?(1)) = (n+1)( n lg +?(1)) =2n lg +?(n) Thus, T(n) for quick sort =O(nlg(n/k)). Given that, insertion sort is done on a partially sorted array (unsorted k-elements). In general, running time of insertion sort is O(n2 ), where n is the length of the array (total number of elements). In order to provide a solution to this problem, the total array is divided into subarrays of k-elements each, such that k/2? n ? k, then n = O(k) and the running time of insertion sort is O(k2). The total number of such subarrays (m) would then be n/k ? m ? 2n/k., which implies m = O(n/k). The total time spent on insertion sort would then be O(k2)* O(n/k) = O(nk). T(n) for insertion sort = O(nk). Therefore, the total time for this sorting algorithm is as follows: T(n) = O(nk + nlg(n/k) ). ... Solution: From the above problem (1), we find that quick sort sorts k-elements of an n-element array O(n log(n/k)) time. Quick sort sorts by partitioning the given array A[p...r] into two sub-arrays A[p...q] and A[q+1... r] such that every element in A[p...q] is less than, or equal to, elements in A[q+1... r]. This process is repeated until all the elements are sorted. Algorithm for quick sort is given by: A[P] is the pivot key upon which the comparison is made. P is chosen as the median value of the array at each step. If the element is less than, or equal to, the pivot key value, it is moved left. Otherwise, it is moved right. Assuming the best case scenario where each step produces two equal partitions, then T(n)=T(n/2)+T(n/2)+?(n) =2T(n/2)+ ?(n) By Master’s Theorem case 2, T(n) = O(n lg n) In other words, the depth of recursion is log n and at each level/step, the number of elements to be treated is n. If only k-elements are sorted, then the depth of recursion would be n/k and the number of elements would be n at each level, the time taken by this sorting algorithm is given by T(n) = O(n lg (n/k)). 2.2 Show that we can sort a k-well-sorted array of length n in O(n log k) time. As the array is already sorted for k-elements, the remaining steps required to complete the sort would be k (using the results from 1), then T(n) = O(n lg k). 3. Computing the k-th smallest element in the union of the two lists m and n using O(lg m +lg n) time algorithm: Approach 1: Merge sort can be used in this case. It splits the list into two halves, recursively sorts each half, and then merges the two sorted sub-lists. In the given problem, the lists are already sorted; hence, the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Banned Books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Banned Books - Essay Example There are also racial slurs throughout the novel. Moreover, the book does not also contain traditional values of friendship and love. There is also foul language and violence in the conversations of the characters (â€Å"Of Mice and Men,† Marshall University). The ban of the book was actually banned as per the request of a parent in Kansas in 2008, but it was banned in Illinois earlier in 1997. The problem with the book is that it has derogatory statements against women, as well as derogatory description of African Americans (Redwin). Nevertheless, another source stated that Of Mice and Men was banned since the 1950s to the 2000s. Other reasons for the banning of the book was because of the promotion of euthanasia, lack of mercy for the retarded and the mentally ill, the anti-business attitude, and the idea that the Great Depression would somehow make mice out of men (â€Å"Of Mice and Men: Steinbeck’s Controversial†). â€Å"Of Mice and Men: Steinbeck’s controversial banned book for 50 years."  Books.  Examiner.com, 2014. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Analyse the attempts by the EU to allievate the inherent problems of Essay

Analyse the attempts by the EU to allievate the inherent problems of establishing a single market within the Financial Services - Essay Example As a result, the integration process had to take a more heightened effort to ensure it was fruitful. The Commission published a White Paper in 1985, whereby the enabling instrument was the Single European Act (the SEA). The aim of this Act was to remove the non-tariff barriers and to encourage free movement of capital and labor by 1993. It was also agreed that discrimination by all means should cease (House of Lords, 2008, p. 33). The non-tariff barriers Although the European Commission was hell bent on establishing a single market, not much had been achieved by 1980s. Furthermore, by the mid - 1980s, most of the aims of the Rome treaty had not been attained despite the first stage of integration having been completed. Actually, non-tariff barriers were reported to have increased between 1975 and 1985 despite all these efforts. It was thereby realized that a strategy was needed to strengthen the integration among members (Canoy, Liddle and Smith, n.d, p. 3). The Single European Act h ad, in mind, three major types of non-tariff obstacles to factor mobility and trade, which inspired its objectives. The first was the physical barriers, whose formation was as a result of controls and customs formalities (House of Lords, 2008, p. 29). Its aim included moving administrative checks away from the borders and ensuring their processes were simplified, development of a common policy on transport, as well as removal of all internal controls and frontiers on capital and people. The second type was technical barriers, which encompasses the various technical product specifications. Its purpose was to harmonize regulations or to create mutual identification of standards of each member country; to institute the correspondence of qualifications; and to dismantle exchange controls. The third type was fiscal barriers, which was characterized by a very complex process of tax rates harmonization particularly in relation to the corporation and indirect taxes. Also, the SEA placed emp hasis on the suitability of allowing free trade on each member country’s public purchasing, which encompassed incorporation of social charter and application of competition. Nevertheless, there was no reliable arrangement for tackling the differences in respect to the external trade policy and a policy on subsidies was not clearly spelt out. It was also not clear, how harmonization could lead to mutual recognition in regards to the achievement of the single market (Eichacker and Amherst, n.d., p. 4). The banking industry The banking industry, among other financial sectors, was greatly regulated and it was characterized by diversified regulatory practices. Essentially, barriers to the supply of overseas services presented more problems than location-related barriers. In some countries, financial institution and non-resident banks were restricted in their rights to do business with residents, by stringent laws and regulations (House of Lords, 2008, p. 36). The first Banking Dir ective instructed members to set up systems for supervising and authorization of banks as well as other credit institutions. This directive, also, led to the requirement that these financial institutions should get licensed to be recognized. In addition, licensing accorded the financial

Friday, November 15, 2019

The History Of Incidental Advertising Exposure Psychology Essay

The History Of Incidental Advertising Exposure Psychology Essay Following the suggestion, the effects of incidental advertising will be examined in terms of implicit memories (cognitive responses), emotions and attitudes (affective responses) and consideration set (behavioural responses). The endogenous variables consist of factors that, as consumer traits, affect the whole advertising response process. Among various factors, involvement and cognitive style were two principal psychological variables that influence consumers incidental ad processing, while gender was considered an important demographic variable. Comparing to the meta-analytic model, we choose to introduce two new variables that were never been tested in the context of incidental advertising: gender and cognitive style. III.2. Incidental advertising exposure Ferraro, Chartrand and Fitzsimons (2005) define incidental exposure as an automatic processing of visual brand information while conscious attention is directed elsewhere. Vanhuele et al. (2005) talked about focal versus non-focal attention in the case of visual perception. Focal vision is restricted to 1,5 to 5 degrees from the current point of focus. To define it, Shapiro (1999) suggests that while a person spotlights conscious attention on a primary task, other information that is not attended to can be processed. This nonconscious, incidental exposure often occurs without explicit memory for advertisement, product, or marketing stimuli and can affect persuasion. Scholars call incidental advertising by preattentive advertising (Droulers, 2004, Yoo, 2005, Adams, 2007). This preattentive processing can be distinguished from attentive processing in individuals lack of awareness of the stimuli, deficit of a speci ¬Ã‚ c goal for the process, inability to control the process, and att ention resources not required for the process. More speci ¬Ã‚ cally, preattentive processing occurs when an individual is preconscious exposed to stimulus in his peripheral  ¬Ã‚ eld of vision (e.g., banner advertisements) while focusing his attention on a primary task (e.g., reading an article on the web) (Ruy and al, 2006). In the field of advertising Shapiro, McInnis and Heckler (1997) were the first to propose the incidental exposure paradigm where they stipulate that subjects are directed to focus their attention on primary task, thus reducing the resources accessible to process secondary information bordering the primary information. In most cases, the secondary information is located to the left or the right of the primary information and is described by its distance (in degrees) from the primary information (parafoveal is 1.5-5 degrees from the attended information, peripheral is greater than 5 degrees) (Janiszewski, 1988). Attentional resources available for processing the secondary information are limited, so secondary information cannot be explicitly recognised-memory traces for this information are unlikely to be strong enough to be restored during a direct search for memory. When reading a newspaper, subjects are inable to recognise having previously seen the ads, Janiszewski (1988) has shown , however that this exposure can boost a consumers liking for the ads and brands. Some marketing studies have investigated conditions that facilitate processing of secondary information (Janiszewski, 1993), the effect this processing has on the comprehension of focally attended material (Janiszewski, 1990), and why this processing affects ad attitudes (Janiszewski, 1993, Shapiro and McInnis, 1992). Prior research has attributed incidental advertising exposure effects to perceptual fluency arising from a feature analysis that occurs during exposure (Janiszewski, 1993; Shapiro et al., 1997). It is necessary to review the process by which preattentive processing may facilitate individuals responses. Two underlying mechanisms have been suggested: feature and semantic analysis. Both analysis mechanisms during preattentive processing will be briefly discussed: Feature analysis: Perceptual fluency asserts that when exposure leads to a memory trace for the perceptual features of the stimulus (e.g., shape and brightness), the features of the stimulus are more easily processed on a subsequent occasion. Without explicit memory for having just seen the stimulus, this ease in processing is misattributed as an increase in familiarity and/or preference for the stimulus (Bornstein, 1989). Perceptual fluency may be ascertained as the ease of processing the perceptual features of a stimulus (Jacoby and Kelley, 1987). Prior exposure is thought to create a feature based representation of the stimulus in memory, with the result that processing of the stimulus on subsequent encounters is facilitated and experienced as subjective ease. Shapiro, McInnis and Heckler (1997) indicate that the effects of incidental ad exposure on stimulus-based judgements (attitude judgements made in the presence of an ad or brand) are due at feature analysis that occurs during processing (Janiszewski, 1993). This processing allows secondary information to subsequently be perceived more easily and hence thought to be more familiar, evaluated more highly. When a person builds a mental representation of a distinguishing item, any ensuing processing takes place faster and, in many situations, lets the messages give the impression more appealing and accurate than they would be if they were crucial or perturbed to process (Reber and Schwarz, 1999). Furthermore, Bornstein and DAgostino (1994) construed the likeability of more readily accessible information conceding to a cognitive perceptual fluency/misattribution model, whereas Winkielman and Cacioppo (2001) suggest a hedonistic fluency model that ascertains constructing smoothly positive affective responses toward fluently processed stimuli. Referring to hedonistic fluency, gracious and affirmative emotional responses happen in consequence of the fact that accustomed stimuli frequently signify a harmless situation, successful. Recognition generates good feelings and comprehensible interpretation attends to positive mood. Janiszewski (1993) further leads the hemispheric approach to the branch of incidental advertising exposure and discerns that abonded verbal messages are more persuasive when they emerge on the right side of the chief area, but they convince inferior to visual cues if they are located on the left. Rendering to Janiszewski (1993) explanations of secondary messages are actuated chiefly by feature analysis, which contains the recognition and processing of the perceptual features of the stimulus in the subconscious mind (Shapiro, 1999). Therefore, when both test and visual stimuli appears to the left of focal point, viewers brains naturally accredit more capacity to treat the visual cues, which commences in higher acquaintance and likeability for the visual messages during ensuing confrontations. However McQuarrie and Mick (2003) found that incidentally exposed with ads figures produce more favourable attitudes and improved memory, whereas Clark and Brock(1994) declare no significant effects of images in ensuing processed ad warnings, along with greater attitude alterations after the exposure to peripheral verbal warnings (Acar, 2007). Semantic analysis: Although perceptual fluency relies on the encoding of feature information during exposure, an analogous process may occur if incidental ad exposure involves the processing of semantic information (Shapiro, 1997). A study by Whittlesea (1993) shows that fluency effects can instead beyond instances of perceptual processing by demonstrating that semantic processing can lead to feelings of conceptual (vs. perceptual) fluency. Whittlesea (1993) suggests that conceptual fluency will affect any judgement regarding a stimulus that relies on conceptually based processes, such as decisions of semantic relatedness. It was mentioned previously that perceptual enhancement may be used as a criterion for determining inclusion in a consideration set. The predominant theory accounting for this facilitation effect suggests that contextual scene information activates a schema for the theme or gist of a scene prior to object identification. The activated schema in turn creates expectancies about what objects are likely to be present. These expectations facilitate object identification (Shapiro, 1997). Di pace et al. (1991) found incidental semantic priming effects after 200milliseconds but not after 2,000 milliseconds. This supported their notion that automatic, non intentional semantic processing of parafoveal information is very short lived (Shapiro, McInnis, Heckler, 1997). In his research, Shapiro (1999) concludes that ad information can undergo a semantic analysis during incidental exposure. Advertised products can more easily take advantage of this analysis when they are depicted in a consistent scene. When advertised products are depicted in this fashion, incidental ad exposure leads to conceptual fluency effects, exerting unconscious ad influence during consideration set formation. When a product is depicted by itself, unconscious ad influences rely on a feature analysis that occurs during exposure. This analysi s creates perceptual fluency effects. The results of experiments in Shapiros (1999) study showed that subjects in the context condition had greater levels of unconscious ad influence and those in the no context condition. This demonstrated that semantic relatedness between the product and other contextual ad information affects differentially the likelihood that the products name would be activated in memory, and, thus, the likelihood that the advertised product would be included in consideration set. This suggests that semantic processing of contextual ad information is what accounts for the context facilitations effects. In our work, we refer to one of the major theories that explain the effects of incidental advertising which is the theory of Zajonc (1968) called  «mere exposure and subconscious processing ». In fact, Zajonc (1968) defines the mere exposure effect as the observation that « mere repeated exposure of individual to a stimulus is a sufficient condition for the improvement of his attitude toward it ». By mere exposure is meant a condition which just makes the given stimulus attainable to the individuals perception. It arises when repeated or single exposure to a stimulus, even in the absence of acquaintance, results in the formation of a positive affective reaction to the stimulus (Zajonc, 1968). In another side, Janiszewski (1993) defines mere exposure to a brand name or product package as the process that encourages a consumer to have a more favourable attitude toward the brand, even when the consumer cannot recollect the basic exposure. This theory is interesting for our study as Zajonc (1968) found that as number of exposure increased, so too did the favourable evaluations. Bornstein, Leone and Galley (1987) have approved these effects when participants are aware as well as not of the presence of stimuli. Further, Ye and Raaij (1997) suggested another definition of mere exposure as they claim that the mere-exposure effect in the absence of awareness represents implicit memory. Mere exposure is the formation of a positive affective reaction to repeated or single exposure to a stimulus, even in the absence of awareness. Bronstein (1989) reveals that research on the influence of repeated stimulus exposures has demonstrated that preferences can be formed without an accompanying awareness of the preference formation process. Thus, there was a positive affective reaction to the previously presented stimuli (as assessed by their preference judgements) in spite of the fact that these stimuli had not been perceived consciou sly. Another major theory that explains the effects of incidental advertising is the theory of hemispheric processing styles. In reality, many a myth has advanced around the brains asymmetry. The left cerebral hemisphere is supposed to be the calculatedly logical, verbal and governing half of the brain, while the right is the utopian side, emotional, spatially aware but suppressed (McCrone, 2000). Recording to this theory, the human visual system is organized as stimuli located within the individuals field of foveal vision, roughly 1.5 degrees to the left or right of the current field of focus are initially sent to the right hemisphere for processing, and stimuli placed to the right hemisphere for altering, and stimuli placed to the current field of focus are originally sent to the left hemisphere. This theory suggests that summing information to support verbal claims in an advertisement may influence the subconscious processing of the claims. Janiszewski (1990) affirms that processing st yle refers to the procedure or process each hemisphere uses when attacking to achieve a task. Hemispheric resource theory predicts that the availability of resources to form a memory trace of the outputs of a feature analysis may be sensitive to an activation created by the feature analysis its self. To apprehend the effects of incidental exposure to advertising, Janiszewski (1990) recommends the cooperative interaction model which is based on two hypotheses that affect directly to the problems of a dual strategy processing system. The first is that the brain is reciprocal, parallel processor-each hemisphere has its own independent bank of resources and each hemisphere is able of involving concurrently in multiple operations (Janiszewski, 1990).The second assumptions that the hemispheres collaborate cooperatively (Allen, 1983).The assumptions of the cooperative interaction model can be applied to anticipate how nonattended material might intercede with the apprehension of an unattended verbal messages (Janiszewski, 1990).The model is based on capacity theories of attention ( Broadbent 1971; Kahneman, 1973) as well as on general models of information processing, in which motivation, competence and opportunity factors affecting message processing are synthesized (MacInnis and Jawor ski 1990). A key belief underlying these theories and models is that the attentional faculty (or processing capacity) that is accessible to a consumer at a distinct point in time is limited, and that the part that is designated to the stimulus studied is a function of both exogenous (opportunity) and endogenous factors (motivation and ability). The autonomy versus cognition mediation controversy has come to an impasse and has been surpassed by the rise of perceptual fluency as a popular account of the mere exposure effect. Consistently, Wang et al. (2002) found that placing a brand name to the right of attended pictorial information should send it to the less activated left hemisphere, where it will receive a greater degree of subconscious processing than if sent to the right hemisphere. The possibility that placement influences evaluation of a peripherally placed stimulus stems from the hypothesis that the hemispheres have different processing styles. The differential competency of the left and right hemisphere for forming a mental representation of a stimulus during a preattentive processing has a direct implication for our understanding of one potential benefit from manipulating the location of the incidental ads. Thats why we adopt this theory. In fact, referring to the works of Janiszewski (1988, 1993, and 1999) we suppose that ads were more liked when placed in the left, as opposed to the right, visual field because this draft encouraged the viewer to use the holistic processing resources of the right hemisphere to initially. This theory is very ancient, many researchers adopted it and even neuroscientists have supported it. Neuroscientists affirmed, in fact, the distinction between the processing that occurs in the right hemisphere and left hemisphere. In this study we stipulate that incidental ads placed in the left were more liked. III.3. Implicit memory One of the important cognitive responses are memories. A large number of studies have studied memory for advertisement. Yoo (2005) revealed that prior literature in memory research suggests that when consumers are exposed to an advertisement, multiple representations of the advertisement are encoded in memory. In this study, we give a great importance in studying the memory. In fact, to understand how unconscious advertising affects consumer preference, it is first necessary to understand something about how consumers think. But previously marketing studies examining memory for advertisements have relied approximately wholly on examining effects contingent on explicit memory retrieval. In psychology, memory is an organisms ability to store, retain, and recall information. Kronlund, Whittlesea and Yoon (2001) define memory as the commander of all acquired human behaviour, containing speech, conceptual apprehension, skilled activities, social interactions, and consumer preferences. In another side, neuroscientists define memory as the retention of learned information, the acquisition, storage and retrieval of information. To achieve a true understanding of any aspect of human behaviour, it is therefore essential to have an effective theory of memory. In fact, extant literature offers strong evidence that product judgement and brand choice decisions are often influenced by information retrieved from memory (Alba and Hutchinson, and Lynch, 1992). One type of memory that emerges from an exposure event is explicit memory (Yoo, 2005). At the time of exposure, a depiction of the information is encoded in memory and is correlated with a spatio-temporal context that attaches the information to the exposure incident. This memory depiction is attributed to as explicit memory, as known as episodic memory. Explicit memory is characterised by a persons conscious recall of the event and replies what he or she remembers about the event (Lee, 2002). Its also, characterized by a respondents conscious recollection of the preceding exposure. Thus measures of explicit memory make direct reference to the past exposure, and suspects are interrogated to demonstrate what they can remember about the prior event (Yoo, 2007). In fact, Bertrand and Girardi (2007) reveal that explicit memory codifies information on autobiographical events, moreover knowledge of facts. Its creation builds upon cognitive processes of the evaluation, conflicting and assum ing type. Implicit memory has an unintentional and impulsive attribute, and its formation and recall are not entirely dependent on the aptitude of having or attaining knowledge of cognitive processes (Lee, 2002). Cooper and Schacter (1992) defined implicit memory as nonintentional, nonconscious retrieval of previously acquired information and is demonstrated by enhanced performance on tests that do not require conscious recollection of the past. Explicit memory: on the other hand, requires intentional, conscious recollection of the past. The difference between implicit and explicit memory in terms of nonconscious and conscious retrospection is enigmatic because these states of consciousness loss accepted defining criteria. However, the term implicit memory was formulated by Graf and Schacter (1985), with attributing to the phenomenon of remembering without awareness (Lee, 2001). Implicit memory is analyzed to be revealed by relief in tasks that use memory whereas explicit memory is affirmed by straight testing memory (Jacoby, 1991). This memory is unallied of cognitive resource, acts constantly and inevitably whether we are paying a lot or a little attention or even no attention at all, and i s able of attaching emotional meaning to anything that it perceives (Heath, 2007). Our interest to study those memories comes from the fact that Shapiro, McInnis and Heckler (1997) advice that the presence of unconscious processing would be indicated by two measures: (1) implicit memory for the object brand names (2) no manifestation of explicit memory of the target ad (Yoo, 2005). Berry and Dienes (1993) affirm that in the case of incidental advertising, contextual knowledge is acquired through implicit attaining processes which concede complicated information about the stimulus environment to be without intention or awareness. They supplementary propose that incidentally acquired contextual knowledge forms a highly robust, instance based and implicit memory for context. The favour of implicit learning is that permits more information to be acquired than is possible through consciously linked channels. The capital advantage of implicit learning is that it may allow cognitive systems to memorize more information about stimuli than can be processed through consciously controlled channels (Lewicki et al., 1988). Jacoby and Dallas (1981) define the facility with which a person recognise the physical characteristics of a stimulus as perceptual fluency and is identified to be enhanced through preceding exposures. Especially, empirical proof from implicit memory research arrays that prior exposure to a target of ten benefits task performances such as lexical decision, word completion and anagram solving that involves the identification of the perceptual features of the target (Lee and Labroo, 2002). They reported that conceptual fluency eases consideration-set membership and memory based-choice as the result of extended accessibility of the brand in memory (Lee, 2002, Nedungadi, 1990, Shapiro, McInnis and Heckler, 1997) and they lead to the apprehending of the processing fluency model by showing that conceptual fluency influence judgements, too. Enhanced performance has been examined even when respondents are not aware of their having been exposed to the information earlier. Enhanced performance as the termination of preceding exposure recommends that people have memory of the exposure event, even though they may not consciously remember it. This enhancement reflects implicit memory of the event and is often mentioned to as priming. According to the cue accessibility hypothesis, an emotion may effect ones evaluations of ad stimuli because materials stored in memory that are conforming that emotion state will be more available, and consequently more likely to come to mind then they would at another time. Current findings in the mere exposure literature show that perceptual fluency is positively valenced, thus peoples assessment of an object grows as it becomes perceptually more fluent. Extended literature has displayed that the level of attention in encoding does not affect implicit memory but actively influences explicit memory. Schacter (1987) check out numerous alternative theoretical clarifications of such dissociations. One explanation, the activation view, holds that implicit memory performance rests on concepts that are briefly activated in memory due to the antecedent exposure (Yoo, 2007). One of the theories conducted in the field of neuroscience is the competence hemispheric theory. This theory recommends that memory traces are essential to bring the order in which material is presented. The right hemisphere has a more accurate performance of sequentially presented events because it does not commonly essay to reconfigure information as does the left hemisphere (Janiszewski, 1990). The left hemisphere sounds more able to process written or verbal ads, where as the right part of the brain triumph at visual ads. Janiszewski (1990) support Friedman and Polsons matching activation hypothesis and suggests that the greater activation of the right (left) hemisphere during the processing of attended pictorial(verbal) information should improve processing of supplementary material represented within the left(right) hemisphere provided that the material in opposing hemisphere can be treated by that hemisphere. During preattentive processing, if individuals bank only on perceptual fluency (feature analysis), their responses should be independant to the advertisement message, if indeed the individuals are knowledgeable only of features (e.g. size, color) in print advertising. However, if semantic analysis is possible, cognitive responses may implicitly embody the advertisement message, such as a brand name or impressive message cues, even though individuals do not explicitly remember them. Sine this research predicted that semantic analysis is also struggled during preattentive processing, it is anticipated that individuals have implicit memories of print advertisement message as a result of preattentive processing. Processing a print advertisement in a preattentive way will notify the brand delineated within the advertisement and thus construct an implicit memory trace for the brand, even though an individuals explicit memories for of the advertisement will be at levels no greater than thos e awaited by chance (Raman and Leckenby, 1998). Based on the above discussion and the results of anterior studies, the first hypothesis is suggested: Hypothesis 1. Incidental processed advertising is more likely to generate implicit memory than that expected by chance. III.4. Emotional responses Until now, there is no scientific and precise definition of the term emotion. In colloquial language, the term is used to refer to feelings and moods and also refers to the way these are expressed both in behaviour and bodily answers (Kandel; Schwartz and Jess ell, 2000). The Longman Dictionary definition of emotion is strong feeling (e.g. anger, fear, joy) usually incorporating physiological change (1984). Further, according to the complete Oxford English Dictionary, in a psychological classification the term emotion refers to a mental feeling or affection (e.g.: of pleasure or pain, desire or aversion, surprise, hope or fear, etc.) as distinguished from cognitive or volitional states or consciousness also abstr feeling as distinguished from the other classes of mental phenomena (OED, 1994 version). Far from the traditional approach to the study, the cognition accentuates information processing of view that has generally excluded emotion. In contrast, the recent emergence of cogniti ve neuroscience as an inspiration for understanding human cognition has stressed its interaction with emotion. An understanding of human cognition requires the consideration of emotion. Research in neuroscience has resulted in a definition that is distinct from feeling. In contemporary neurological research, emotions are unconscious processes, occurring in the inner and most primitive parts of the brain. Damasio (2003) have written that emotions play out in the theatre of the body so by contrast feelings play out in the theatre of the body. To understand the effects of incidental advertising on emotion we refer to the works of neuroscientists. In fact, decision neuroscience offers the commitment of deepening our understanding of emotion and decision making in a number of ways. Neuroscientists like Damasio and Le Doux have shed a great deal of light on the critical roles that emotion plays in the brain (Damasio, 1994; Le Doux, 1996). Le Doux (2002) claims that emotion can be defined as the process by which the brain determines or computes the value of stimulus. Other aspects of emotion than duplicate from this computation (Meyer-Dinkgrà ¤fe, 2007). In his book, Descartes Error, Damasio declares that the French philosopher may have blow when he came up with his famous dictum, I think, therefore I am. Had Descartes understood the central role that emotions play in the workings of the m ind, he may well have written, I feel, therefore I am (Plessis, 2005). Damasio (1994) can be trusted with initiating modern thinking about how emotions are processed. He uses the concept of a limbic system in the mammalian brain, a construct developed by MacLean (1952) to represent the original mammalian brain, which lies beneath the more recently developed neo-cortex. He shows that activity in the proto-self always anticipated activity in core consciousness. This therefore means that emotions and feelings are always formed pre-cognitively (Heath, 2007). The role of emotion in mental processes is a matter of fervent reflection, where Damasio (1994) argues for strong, but not unique, role for emotion within an exhibited nervous system in general. In particular, the research reviewed above confirms that ads victoriously appealing to the emotions are better remember than their cognitive cousins, although very little is known about the mechanisms supporting the formation of the emotional memories and their effects on consumer choices (Palessman, 2005). It is so important to differentiate between the affective responses toward the stimulus and the global feelings. In this context, emotion represents specific feeling states at the time of incidental exposure. This goes with the definition of Batra and Holbrook (1987) who have distinguished emotional reactions from subcategories of affective responses toward the advertisement. We have also to distinguish emotion from moods. Different to moods, emotions are more stimulus particular (Cohen and Areni, 1991) and emotions may fluctuate highly in their intensity level. Thus, emotions may impact the effectiveness of print ads differently than do moods (Mherabian and Russell, 1974). As there is a delay between the incidental advertising exposure and subsequent brand choice, memory processes ought to be important in determining the effectiveness of particular kinds of advertising. We will examine in the experimental part the critical link between emotion and memory and look how this argues strongly for a dynamic understanding of the way emotion works as we process advertising. The findings of Percy (2003) suggest that in addition to the words and visual images, we also store the emotions that are present at the time so when we recall that event, the emotions associated with it are also recalled whether we are conscious or unconscious of those feelings. Memory in particular, has been studied in terms of its relationship to affect by a number of researchers (Batra and Holbrook, 1987). Hall et al. (2006) stipulate that emotionally arousing the scenes are better remembered than neutral one so emotion has an impact of the memory formation. Events associated with emotions were found to be more memorable. Canli et al. (2000) have found that amygdala activation reflects moment-to-moment subjective emotional experience that this activation enhances memory in relation to the emotional experience and that this activation enhances memory in relation to emotional intensity of experience. They discover also that memory for emotional stimuli and experiences varied the sexes; women seem recalling emotional autobiographical events than men, produce memory with greater emotional intensity in response to cues. Always referring to neuroscience, it has been known for some time that the amygdala is a key brain region for the formation of emotional memories. Cognitive neuroscientists have begun recently to illuminate the psychological and neural mechanisms underlying emotional holding of past events (Percy, 2003; Plessis, 2005). Emotion-memory interactions occur at several stages of information processing. By adopting the perspective of neuroscientists, we struggle to forward our understanding of the link emotion and memory. LaBar and Cabeza (2006) reported that emotion has authoritative influences on learning and memory that comprise multiple brain systems engaged in at different stages of information processing. Further witness of the link between emotion and memory was provided by Ashby et al. (1999). They found that positive affect of individuals facilitates the reinforcement of long term memory as it systematically influences performance on many tasks; their new neuropsychological theory postulate that accounts for many of these effects by assuming that positive affect is associated with increased brain dopamine levels. For Jacoby (1991), recognition memory is treated as dual process that includes recollection (a conscious, controlled process) and familiarity (an unconscious, automatic process). The dual process model stipulates that, for recognition, recollection acts as a discrete state and familiarity can be vi

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Sexual harassment Issue

Sexual harassment is an issue that grabbed all of America when we saw Anita Hill accuse then Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of harassing her while she worked in his office. It has been years since that incident brought question of what constitutes sexual harassment to the forefront of legal and business attention. During those years thousands of cases have weaved their way through our court system helping to clear the issue and make it something more easily understood. The business world now has more specific guidelines on how to recognize harassment and how to handle its various forms. Although there are still plenty of gray areas regarding the issue people are now more informed on how to avoid potential problems and how to deal with them if they do arise. This is all well and good but is the workplace the only environment where sexual harassment rears its ugly face? The answer to that question is rather simple. No. One major area where people are still trying work through the issue of harassment is the institute of higher education. Some might say that harassment in our colleges and universities may be handled similarly to they way we handle the problem in the business world and that viewpoint has allies in very high places such as the Supreme Court. In Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education the Supreme Court was faced with deciding whether a school could be held liable for a 10 year old boy making sexual statements and advances to one of his female classmates. The result of this case sent shockwaves through not only elementary schools but also any educational institution receiving federal funding. Justice Sandra Day O†Connor delivered the majority opinion for the court which â€Å"held that the school would be liable for student-on-student sexual harassment if it acted with deliberate indifference to known acts of harassment in its programs or activities provided that the harassment is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively bars the victim†s access to an educational opportunity or benefit â€Å"(Coulter, 1999)†. Now you ask what does that mean and how would this institute affect higher education. The answer is that the opinion applies the hostile-environment paradigm of sexual harassment, (which arose in reference to the workplace) to any school system financially assisted by the federal government. The concept of the hostile-environment concept if applied to higher education must be used with extreme caution. Approximately 90% of the hostile-environment sexual harassment claims are not based on physical contact but on language â€Å"(Coulter, 1999)†. The ways in which language is used in academia differs greatly from the workplace. Due to the application of the hostile-environment paradigm students and instructors alike must speak very carefully and avoid certain controversial issues that were once openly discussed. The classroom experience may suffer greatly if what was once looked upon as First Amendment-protected speech is now viewed as sexual harassment. Because of O†Connor†s ruling schools must silence students and teachers who might contribute to a hostile learning environment or risk a rather pricey lawsuit â€Å"(Coulter, 1999)†. Since its beginning academia was a place where possibly offensive conversation could be used in order to increase a students understanding and assist in the quest for knowledge although now that quest has strict rules. Recently the Education Departments Office for Civil Rights (OCR) clarified how colleges should define sexual harassment and they followed the course set by Justice O†Connor. Applied through a federal law known as Title IX the OCR defined two types of sexual harassment. The first is known as quid pro quo and it occurs when a school employee threatens to base an educational decision such as a grade on a student†s submission to unwelcome sexual behavior. According to the OCR†s guidance a school is liable for even one instance of quid pro quo harassment â€Å"(Chmielewski, 1997)†. The second type of harassment is the hostile-environment situation described above and their definition mirrors the one delivered by Justice O†Connor. What exactly does all of this mean for college professors and their students? Ramdas Lamb a professor of religion at the University of Hawaii knows all to well the dilemma currently facing our educational institutions. Lamb taught â€Å"Religion, Politics, and Society† a course he designed to meet the student†s desire for relevance â€Å"(Thernstrom, 1999)†. Lamb wanted a course where passionate debate could aid the students to learn and on the first day of class he warned the students that every topic would be covered from all viewpoints and if one particular opinion was not represented that he would play devils advocate and represent it â€Å"(Thernstrom, 1999)†. After his warning three students left the class and Lamb felt confident about the remainder. A student by the name of Michelle Gretzinger was enrolled in the class and had a friendly history with Lamb. She was actively involved in the class but after a disagreement with Lamb during a debate over sexual harassment she became withdrawn and refused to participate in class. Gretzinger received a C in the class based on a lack of participation since that was a large part of the graded criteria. After the semester was over she filed a sexual harassment complaint alleging both of the above types of sexual harassment. Eventually Lamb was cleared of the charges and won a countersuit for defamation, although Gretzinger refuses to pay any of the $132,000 ordered by the court. Although vindicated Lamb is still deeply troubled by the harsh allegations made by Gretzinger. This situation displays just how serious sexual harassment allegations are and just how out of place the current standards are in the realm of higher education. In conclusion sexual harassment cannot be handled in academia as it is in the workplace. Victims need to be protected and no complaint should be taken lightly but the standards must reflect the environment they are applied to. Quid pro quo harassment standards can be the same across the board but what constitutes a hostile-environment in the workplace is extremely different than a hostile-environment in academia. By the nature of college courses the restrictions on free speech must be less stringent than they are in the traditional workplace. In order to aid in the learning process students and teachers alike must be permitted to use unpopular and even sometimes offensive speech. If we continue to apply the same standards to the academic world as we do in the business world the country will suffer. These sometimes-unpopular discussions lead to a better understanding of those whose opinions differ from our own. If the flow of discussion is restricted too much some issues may never be discussed leading to a lack of understanding between women and men. Any issue of a somewhat sexual nature may become taboo in the college classroom. If this happens it could compound the problems we currently have with sexual harassment could be compounded and society as a whole may suffer grave consequences.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Governmen assistance programs

Thousands of people rely on these services daily, without these programs for some daily life is not possible. I for one oppose these government assistance programs and agree with the statement † Welfare has become a system that creates dependency and is a crutch for which individuals never aspire to do better†. Food Stamps otherwise known as Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP). It is a federal aid program, administered by the U. S. Department of Agriculture.SNAP is the largest nutrition assistance program and is estimated to eave served more than 40 million low income Americans per year. The program started in 1939 due to unmarketable food surpluses and widespread unemployment. I believe Food Stamps are being abused in our society by most, and have become a free pass for Junk food, I think the government should stop funding it. WICK was created in 1974 as a response to the realization that hunger and poverty were widespread in this country and that inadequa te nutrition poses a real threat to the human body.The program is aimed at low-income pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and infants and children under the age of five. WICK started in 1968 when physicians described to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the USDA that young women, often pregnant, came to their clinics with various ailments that were caused by a lack of food. The doctors would prescribe needed foods, with the prescription acting as a sort of food voucher. I believe WICK keeps low Income families stable and should continue being funded.Public Housing Is housing administered by federal, state and local agencies to provide subsidized assistance for low-income households. According to Wisped â€Å"Permanent, federally funded sousing came Into being In the United States as a part of Franklin Roosevelt New Deal. Title II, Section 202 of the National Industrial Recovery Act, passed June 16, 1933, directed the Public Works Administration (PAW) to develop a program for the â€Å"construction, reconstruction, alteration, or repair under public regulation or control of low-cost housing and slum-clearance projects†¦ . However most of current-day public houses or â€Å"projects† have degenerated Into areas of poverty. I believe that public housing needs to be updated because of this reason. As according to Businesslike. Com most republicans agree that governmental orgasm should stop being funded such as Food Stamps. They claim the program Isn't tax-friendly. Democrats claim The programs help vulnerable people at a time when It Is difficult to find Jobs and feed families.Nonetheless I think these federal programs should stop being funded because they create a dependency and some waste taxpayer dollars, however I think there should be cheaper, and more thought- through alternatives that actually solve peoples problems or help to an extent without the programs being taken advantage of. Government assistance programs By playfello ws the prescription acting as a sort of food voucher. I believe WICK keeps low income families stable and should continue being funded.Public Housing is housing low-income households. According to Wisped â€Å"Permanent, federally funded housing came into being in the United States as a part of Franklin Roosevelt New public houses or â€Å"projects† have degenerated into areas of poverty. I believe that As according to Businesslike. Com most republicans agree that governmental isn't tax-friendly. Democrats claim The programs help vulnerable people at a time when it is difficult to find Jobs and feed families. Nonetheless I think these federal

Friday, November 8, 2019

Curtis Hoist

Curtis Hoist Problem Definition and Statement of the Alternatives Curtis automotive hoist's main objectives is growth market share and growth profit. Actually, from 1995 to 1997, Curtis automotive hoist had increased 55 percentages. Since they succeed in US and Canadian hoist market, Curtis automotive hoist wants to try market penetration in US and Market development in European market each other.Although the rapid growth rate in US, Curtis automotive hoist has faced some problems because most US wholesaler sold a complete product line to service station as well as manufacturing some equipment. It means that CAH's lift is a minor product within the wholesaler's total line. While CAH did not have any figures, Mr. Gagnon who is a CAH's marketing manager think that CAH probably accounted for less than 20% of the total lift sales of US. Moreover CAH's managers felt that US market had unrealized potential.Curtis automotive hoist has some Alternatives, First of all, (1) Setting up the sales office in N ew York to service 12 states which are six England states (population over 13million), and the three largest mid-Atlantic states (population of 38 million), and the three largest Midwestern states (population over 32 million).Marjorie Curtis (LOC)(2) They had also considered working more closely with the wholesalers to encourage it to "push" the Curtis automotive hoist.The other one is that Curtis automotive hoist has faced expansion of the European market as a result of rapid growth of the company. Now, Curtis automotive hoist has no knowledge about Europe market. The potential market of four European Union countries had more than 200 million vehicles in use with Germany having the largest domestic fleet of 41 million vehicles followed in order by Italy, France, and England. Curtis automotive hoist has three investment options: licensing, joint venture, and direct investment.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


ILLUSTRATION ESSAY Illustration is a form of displayed visual picture like a painting, drawing or a photograph. When writing an illustration essay, the major focus point is to create visualization through words. To make it simple, you have to illustrate something. As you are provided with a specific subject for your illustration essay, gather interesting details and patterns that will help you to show your object. Additional details will help to clarify the point. Use a diversity method, and present various patterns that will make a certain unconscious appeal to the readers. This action will help readers to deeply understand the topic.   Another successful step is the use of brief short patterns that show ideas straightforward. Explore illustration examples. Illustration essay thesis statement must observe the subject and create a major point where you as an author will present your ideas. Keep in mind that the examples that are used in the illustration essay create a specific communication to the main point which leads to the successful illustration essay writing as well as the good college or university grade. ILLUSTRATION ESSAY Today, students are required to be able to write different types of essay and research projects. With a number of various writing types requested by colleges and universities instructors, it is hard to keep track of what is needed. But for all essay types’ requirements there is a specific list of requirement that must be explored and learnt in order to deliver the quality writing. Illustration essay has its own list of requirements as well, but our major goal is help you focus on the major points of this type of writing. Illustration essay usually would require you to illustrate a scene, event, or action and try to give the full presentation. You should use rich linguistic expressions and try to target your reader to imagine clearly the picture that is being illustrated. There is no necessity to show the eventual events continuation, but you can do a sort of illustrated ‘slide show’ with the help of the writing. If you require the illustration essay, we are able to deliver the custom quality essay within shortest deadline for you. If you have further questions, talk to our 24/7 customer support representative in order to receive full answers.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Health care and health insurance system in Canada- Comparison to Research Paper

Health care and health insurance system in Canada- Comparison to private Insurance Model - Research Paper Example It offers complete access to health care for all its citizens, by spending only 10.4% of its GDP. (The WHO website, 2014) This report aims at presenting a comprehensive overview of the Canadian health care and health insurance system, along with its comparative analysis with the private health insurance model. The Canadian healthcare system was established by the Canada Health Act which was adopted in 1984. According to the Act â€Å"the primary objective of Canadian health care policy is to protect, promote and restore the physical and mental well-being of residents of Canada and to facilitate reasonable access to health services without financial or other barriers.† (Canada Health Act, 1984: Section 3) For the most part publicly financed, this system is a single-payer system, consisting of thirteen provincial and territorial health plans. These regional plans are interconnected in terms of their compliance with the national principles laid down at the federal level. The Canadian government offers healthcare policy on a prepaid basis to all its eligible citizens, with no direct charges levied at the point of service. As a result, the Canadians have an equitable access to all sorts of health insured services. The role played by the federal government of Canada is very crucial in the smooth operations of its healthcare system. The federal government if the sole authority that lays down as well as implements the national codes or criteria for the insured health care services. It enables fund transfers to extend financial assistance to the provincial and territorial health care services. It arranges for direct health care services for certain niche groups of the nation such as the First Nation persons, federal prisoners and military personnel. Apart from all these direct functions, the federal government also gets involved in various allied activities like health promotion, health protection, and disease prevention. (Canada Health Act,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Introduction to Social Sciences (inequality based on race) Essay

Introduction to Social Sciences (inequality based on race) - Essay Example A community incorporates people who share a common characteristic inclusive of a geographical area and traditional values. Patterns of racial segregation are not natural outcomes. According to Law (2013), racial discrimination will act as a proponent that will indicate the relationship of inequality and the society. The social mechanism will also explain the interconnected social attributes create persistence in racial difference. The paper will focus on the power and the global community aspects of social sciences with the aim of understanding the world better. Social inequality is a scenario that occurs through the uneven distribution of available resources in the community. In the case of inequality based on race, the skin color acts as the dominating factor in the allocation of resources. The issue of racism has been on the rise given the continued increase in the interaction among individuals from different nations. As a result, human welfare all around the world faces patterns of inequality that is recurrent in nature. For instance, cities around America exhibit racial discrimination to African Americans from the east coast to the west coast. Bonilla-Silva illustrated that the boundary of racism is very legible in the U.S as the black community find it very hard to get jobs and access quality education as compared to the Americans (2013). Racism dates back to the ancient age where people simply disliked certain attributes of a particular culture. Right from the upbringing, parents warned children against associating with some races. The media also participated in re-enforcing racism into the minds of individuals. The mentioned factors made the co-existence of people of different ethnicity and skin color in the society unbearable. With time, the nature of hatred turned into a foundation of prejudice. The outcome of the stated social practice is that